Monday, June 04, 2007

It's June already?

It's been a long time since Melissa and I logged in with thoughts and updates from our life. So I thought I'd at least give some quick info about what's going with our lives.

The biggest news of the last 4 months has been Melissa's departure from her job at the Fazio lab. Melissa now has a Graduate Assistantship and works in the development department at the Wexner Center for the Arts. So far the job has give Melissa a lot of helpful experience as she is learning how arts centers operate. Melissa continues to work constantly. In addition to her 30 hours a week at the Wexner, she's taking full load of courses this summer, and shooting weddings on weekends as an assistant at Kiso Fotographia. Since I am also busy preparing for the job market, this means our summer is mostly relegated to Columbus, Ohio. Thankfully, Columbus is nice during the summer so stop on by if you are ever around.

What's up with me? Well, in a step confirming my disappearing youth, I just was made appointed to be a deacon at our church, Olentangy CRC. The selection made Melissa question the degree of the Holy Spirit's guidance within the wisdom of the church. I agreed that I might not be up to the task in all deacon responsibilities but I suggested the Spirit is good at finding diamonds in the rough. Otherwise, I continue to work on my dissertation and rush to get ready for job applications. I go on the job market this coming fall and hopefully get an offer by next winter. Thankfully, the Cardinals' poor performance has given me less distractions from my work.

You might have already noticed that we added our own radio mix using (free, for those interested). Listen to our mixes if you want to mix up your music selection or mock our musical taste. Melissa would like to make clear all selections you like were from her and all poor selections were made by myself.

That's it for now - until we post again.